Passup Plan
By Best MLM Software Company
The MLM Passup Plan is based on passing up the income upto Nth level on the top line.
In Passup Plan, distributor can earn from infinite levels direct income to him.. even without making his own sale as every 2nd sale is passed to the upline.
A very unique concept started in year 2011 from UK. In this plan, sales are calculated on the alternate basis. One sales goes to the distributor and one sale is passed up to the upline. If spline is eligible to receive this income, he will get it otherwise it will pass up to next upline and so on.
You as a distributor has the potential to earn from any level and any distributor from your network. So you need to keep motivating your team together. Each 2nd sale is being passed up to the upline and you could be that upline to earn from that passup.
Very different plan from the other plans as each and every 2nd sale is being passed up to the upline upto infinite levels.
A preferred plan in the Western markets like Europe, Canada, UK, Germany and other European countries and we have the expertise on this plan so we can offer you fully functional and robust system of Passup plan as per requirements.